My first adventure into the park and Arthur Seat was at the
early age of 18 months, my mother took me to the top, and ever since it has
been my favourite place in a city that offers many exciting, original and
fascinating places. Originally a royal park in centuries past for hunting, also
it has been known as the Kings Park or Queens Park depending who was on the
throne, today it is generally called Holyrood Park. As I child, teenager &
adult I have explored, walked, ran and played football in it and have never
tired of the place as it changes with the seasons.

Arthur Seat 823ft (253m) the name is one of the mysteries of
the park, not generally thought to be anything to do with the heroic king, but
it has been suggested that it may derive from a Gaelic phrase Ard-na-Said “
Height of the Arrows” it sits majestically in the middle the remnants of an
ancient volcano from 350 million years ago, the park still has the evidence of
early dwellers from the stone and bronze ages, within its ground is the ruin of
the 12C Abbey of Holy Rood and next to it the British monarch’s B&B !! The
Palace of Holyrood House, which is official Scottish residence of the Monarch.
Legend tells us that King David! went hunting on a religious
day and was charged by stag to saved himself he held up a holy rood (a
crucifix) between the stags antlers and it ran away in a dream that night he
was told to build a monastery in thanks
for his life. He had in the Abbey of the Holy Rood, built in 1128, which was
attended by St Augustine monks, also known as cannons, they walked up the road
to Edinburgh and it became known as the canons gait, gait is the old Scots word
for way or walk. A burgh was established and today it is known by and
anglicised name of Cannongate. Also on
its border we now have the new Scottish Parliament and an attraction called
Dynamic Earth which charts the earth’s history from the big bang.
To walk round the park it is 3.1 miles or 5K. It has 3 lochs
two manmade St Margaret’s & Dunsapie created by Queen Victoria’s husband
Albert and the other Duddingston is a bird sanctuary and a place of scientific
significance. Over the centuries It has
been a place of joy, sadness, murder, suicide, lovers, a sense of freedom and
yet another mystery – In 1836 five boys schoolboys discovered in a cave on the
high slopes of the summit, inside where two rows of tiny coffins 3 or 4 inches
in height, 17 in all, each containing a carefully carved wooden figure dressed
in funeral clothes. There is no clear explanation as to what they were for some
suggest it was to do with black magic, what do you think?
Today the park is enjoyed by locals and visitors alike, for
me it is a joy, to have such a natural beauty in the middle of the city I think
is something special.